Policies and Procedures
- Rainsites
When planning outdoor activities, requestors are advised to consider an alternate indoor location in the event of inclement weather. Rainsite locations must be scheduled in advance and can be added to reservations, via the online request system. Rainsite locations will be held as long as no other organization or department has requested use of the space. If another organization submits a request for the rainsite space, the original requestor has the option to pay the rental fee for the space or to cancel the request. Intent to use a rainsite must be specified at least 3 hours prior to the event.
- Scheduling Priorities
The following University events are given priority for scheduling:
- Commencement
Commencement Weekend is held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday following Senior Week. The Provost’s Office and the academic deans’ offices have scheduling priority during Commencement Weekend. The Law Center has scheduling priority for commencement activities on the Sunday of Commencement Weekend.
- Parents Weekends
Two Parents Weekends are held throughout the fall and winter. The Academic Deans’ Offices have priority in scheduling facilities for the fall Parents Weekend; the Senior Class Committee schedules the Senior Parents Weekend in February.
- Opening Weekend and New Student Orientation
Opening Weekend begins the last weekend in August and extends through the first week in September. During this period, the Office of New Student Orientation has scheduling priority.
- GAAP Weekends
Three prospective student visitation weekends are held throughout the spring. The Office of Admissions has priority for scheduling facilities for these weekends.
- Faculty Convocation
The annual Faculty Convocation is always held during the fall semester. The Provost’s Office in conjunction with the Office of the President coordinates this event and has priority for scheduling facilities for this event.
- Homecoming
Homecoming is traditionally held in the fall. The Office of Advancement has scheduling priority for this weekend.
- Honorary Degree Ceremonies
Honorary degrees are coordinated through the Provost’s Office.
- Senior Week
Senior Week begins at the end of spring semester examinations and concludes with Commencement. During this period the Senior Class Committee has scheduling priority.
- Alumni Reunion Weekend
Alumni Reunion Weekend is held the weekend following Memorial Day. The Office of Advancement has scheduling priority.
- Summer (Post-Commencement- August 15th)
The Office of Housing and Conference Services has scheduling priority during the summer months.
- Commencement
- Insurance
Insurance is required for those individuals or organizations not associated with the University who are approved to use a University facility. The requestor must provide evidence of Comprehensive General Liability insurance in the minimum limits specified by the university. Such insurance will name as insured both the individual or organization and the “President and Directors of Georgetown University and its agents and employees as their interests may appear.” The University reserves the right to require limits above the specified minimums when, in the sole opinion of the University, such higher limits are justified. Coverage must be with a company satisfactory to the University and a policy or certificate of insurance must be forwarded to the Office of Campus Activity Facilities a minimum of 72 hours prior to the event.
The University has arranged with an insurance company to provide insurance coverage for these events. Clients who prefer or who are otherwise unable to obtain adequate insurance coverage may elect to purchase coverage through this program. Rates are determined by type of event, number of participants and whether alcohol is to be served.
- Event Security
Based upon information provided on the reservation request form (ie. internal or external event, on-site admission/ticket sales, size of the group, type of event, whether alcohol will be served, etc.), it may be deemed appropriate that the Department of Public Safety (DPS) provide security at your event. Public Safety officers are assigned to safeguard those attending the function and the members of the Georgetown community. An officer will be assigned to any event where alcoholic beverages are served.
For most events, an officer will be present one half hour before and after the event. For all events, the number of officers assigned to an event is at the discretion of the Department of Public Safety. The client will be charged for each officer at a minimum of four hours per officer.
All costs for security will be borne by the event sponsor. Additional information about event security can be found here.
- Protests and Demonstrations
Georgetown University is committed to standards promoting speech and expression that foster the maximum exchange of ideas and opinions. Individuals or groups who wish to plan a protest or demonstration are encouraged to work with staff members in the Center for Student Engagement and the Office of Campus Activity Facilities so that the safety and security of all community members may be properly safeguarded and the routine functions of the University are not disrupted. Red Square is the designated location for promoting speech and expression; the Leavey Center lobby servesas the alternate location during inclement weather. Consult the Speech and Expression policy for guidelines.
- Sound Amplification
The university limits amplified sound in both outdoor and indoor spaces in order to respect the academic enterprise and the needs of the community. Following are the standards for amplified sound:
- In keeping with the academic mission and priority, no amplified sound is permitted in outside spaces between 9am – 5pm, Monday through Friday.
- In keeping with the needs of the community, events in facilities located within residence halls must end by 12am Sunday through Thursday, and by 1am on Friday and Saturday nights, unless prior exceptions have been made.
It is the responsibility of event organizers to schedule events at times and in locations that will not disrupt residents in the local neighborhoods or members of the University community who are not event participants. As you plan an event, we ask you to be sensitive to the peace and privacy concerns of your colleagues, students and local residents.
The legal decibel limit for outdoor events is 60 decibels, measured at the property line, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and dark. The decibel limit is 55 after dark. Amplified sound is permitted until 11:00 pm weekdays and 1:00 am on weekends. However, the Department of Public Safety and/or the Metropolitan Police may request that events end or noise levels be reduced, should complaints be received.
- Vendors
Vendors who represent organizations external to Georgetown University are not permitted to sell or solicit on campus.
Student organizations are allowed to sell items with the approval of the Center for Student Engagement, the Center for Social Justice and/or the Department of Performing Arts. Student organizations may also enter into relationships with external vendors under the following circumstances:
- A contractual arrangement, approved in advance by the Center for Student Engagement, governs the relationship between the vendor and the student organization The relationship between the student organization and the vendor is initiated by the student organization.
- The vendor’s presence is part of a larger program and directly relates to the purpose of the student group or program.
- The vendor is providing a commodity or service not generally available at commercial operations in the Leavey Center.
- The Georgetown organization is not fronting for an external vendor.
- Royalties
All royalties due on performances not covered by the University’s current agreements with music licensing houses are the responsibility of the requestor.
- Publicity and Advertising
Event flyers or advertisements may be posted on bulletin boards – not on windows, doors, or walls. Organizations/individuals who do not comply with this policy may have their advertisements removed.
All bulletin boards in the Leavey Center are cleared by Campus Activity Facilities staff every Friday morning and multiple flyers on a single board will be removed.
Once an event has occurred, the event sponsor should remove all posted flyers and advertisements.
A popular way to advertise campus events is to display banners. Requests to schedule and hang banners from the Leavey Center facade to the Office of Campus Activity Facilities. There are three locations in the Leavey Center where banners may be hung: outside the Room 429 ; from the Cawley Career Education Center balcony; and from the Leavey Center bridge. The maximum length of time for banners to hang from the Leavey Center is seven (7) consecutive days.
Banners may also be displayed in Red Square. All Red Square banners are installed orremoved each Monday morning (Tuesday mornings in the cases of university holidays or closings). Red Square banner reservations cannot exceed two weeks. Groups are only allowed a maximum of two weeks per month per banner.
All advertising for external groups must be approved by the Office of Campus Activity Facilities. Banner space is not available for external advertising.
- Alcoholic Beverages
Individuals planning events should be thoroughly familiar with Georgetown University’s alcohol policies and will be held accountable for implementing and enforcing them throughout the event.
The laws of the District of Columbia as well as the University’s Alcohol and Drug policies must be strictly observed in all University facilities and outdoor space. The University reserves the right to approve or disapprove the dispensing of alcoholic beverages at any function in its facilities. Only licensed or TIPS certified bartenders can distribute alcohol during an event. Also, an ABC license is required if alcohol is sold at an event or included in the admission charge or “contribution” to an event. Obtaining an ABC license is the sole responsibility of the requestor. Information about obtaining an ABC license is available from the Center for Student Engagement and the Office of Campus Activity Facilities. A copy of the license must be provided to the Office of Campus Activity Facilities a minimum of 72 hours prior to the event.
Alcoholic beverages are not allowed in Leavey Center spaces.
- Smoking Policy
Georgetown University is committed to a smoke-free environment. In accordance with District of Columbia laws, smoking is prohibited in all indoor locations.
- Controversial Topics
Controversial or politically sensitive activities, as determined by Georgetown University, are limited to the University’s sponsorship. More information about events of a controversial nature can be found in the University’s Speech and Expression Policy at http://studentaffairs.georgetown.edu/policies/student-organizations/speech-expression/
- Cancellation
Cancellations of events due to circumstances beyond the control of Georgetown University (such as weather) or due to the violation of University policy are not the responsibility of the Office of Campus Activity Facilities. Cancellations must be communicated in writing to the Office of Campus Activity Facilities or via the online request system, not less than 4 business days before the scheduled event. The requestor will be charged for all expenses incurred by the Office of Campus Activity Facilities as a result of any cancellations.