Outdoor Spaces
TIMES: Organizations and individuals must adhere to the beginning and ending times indicated in the outdoor events policy.
NOTE: The area adjacent to the ICC (Red Square) is available without prior reservation to individuals and groups during daylight hours for the purpose of exchanging ideas. Therefore, persons requesting the use of Red Square should be aware that an event scheduled in this space may be disturbed by such activity.
RAIN SITE LOCATIONS must be scheduled and coordinated in advance of the event. Rain site locations will be held as long as no other organization or department requests the use of the space. If another organization or department requests the use of the space, the organization has the option to pay the rental fee to reserve the space or cancel the request for a rain-site. Intent to use a rain site must be specified at least 24 hours prior to scheduled event.
FACILITY SET UP AND EQUIPMENT is handled by the University’s Special Events office as directed by the Facilities Coordinator from information provided on the form. Tables and chairs can be provided for rental and delivery fee. Tablecloths/covers are not provided but it is recommended that the requestor consider obtaining them. A diagram must be attached to the reservation form to depict the desired set-up. For events where food will be served from requested tables, table covers, not tablecloths, should be requested. Prior to the event, all groups utilizing outdoor spaces should inspect the space and equipment provided (tables, chairs, podium, etc.) for damages and report any problems to the Office of Campus Activity Facilities. This will prevent charges for damages which may be for pre-existing conditions.
SOUND AMPLIFICATION: No amplified sound is permitted between 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday through Friday in recognition of academic priorities. At other times, amplified sound will be monitored. NOTE: Whenever the Leavey Esplanade is scheduled for an event which involves amplified sound, consideration must be given to the patients in the hospital, guests in the Conference Center and offices in the Leavey Tower.
Red Square: No sound may disturb university business, including classes, faculty and staff working in offices, and university events. In general, no amplified sound is allowed between 9 AM and 5 PM on class days. It may not be allowed at other times if there are classes or other activities happening later than 5 PM or on weekends.
Amplified sound is any sound other than the unaided human voice. No microphones or bullhorns are allowed. No radios or CD players with speakers of any kind are allowed. This means no boom boxes of any kind. Similarly, unamplified sound such as the Pep Band would not be allowed.
Exceptions may be made in Red Square for protests which have been planned with the Center for Student Engagement. In that case, bullhorns or microphones may be allowed in the time between classes, from 12:50 pm – 1:00 pm. Permission may be given for amplified sound for other events during those ten minutes when appropriate. Such events must be approved by the Center for Student Engagement and the Office of Campus Activity Facilities. In these conditions, amplified sound may only be used during this ten minute period.
AMPLIFIERS OR LIGHTING EQUIPMENT drawing more than 20 amps or requiring special electrical service must be approved by Georgetown University’s Electrical Shop. An electric technician may be required to be on site at the discretion of the Electrical Shop at the sponsor’s expense.