Saxa Awards Winners 2021

We are proud to announce the winners of our annual Saxa Awards. Through one of the toughest academic years in Georgetown’s history, spanning the course of a global pandemic, these leaders have managed to leave monumental impacts on the campus and in our office. Congratulations to all Saxa Award winners on this amazing accomplishment.

Gold Emerging Award

Winner: Brenda Zhong

This award is inspired by the Georgetown Opportunities for Leadership Development’s Emerging Leaders Program, it is bestowed upon an individual in their first year in a notable leadership role, who over the past year has taken an active role in the Georgetown community and has made an impact.

Celebration of Pluralism

Winner: Megan Huynh

This award is given to an outstanding student, organization, or program that demonstrates commitment to the Georgetown University values of pluralism, inclusiveness and diversity.

Award Loyola Award

Winner: Malik Johnson

The award, named in honor of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, founder of The Society of Jesus, acknowledges efforts put forth to communicate the Jesuit mission across campus in student activity work. Presented to a person, program, or organization that actively exemplifies and upholds the Jesuit ideals and values of Georgetown University, such as “Cura Personalis” and “Community in Diversity”.

Outstanding Student Leader of a SAC Organization Award

Winner: Layan Shahour

The award is awarded to a Georgetown University student who has made outstanding contributions to the campus community by their leadership, programming endeavors, individual skills, volunteer activities, service and attitude in support of student activities as a member or leader of a group under the Student Activities Commission (SAC).

Outstanding Program Award

Winner: Dismantling Academic Ableism: The Fight for Inclusion in Higher Education (Led by: Dominic DeRamo, Nesreen Shahrour, Gweyneth Murphy)

This award is awarded in recognition of one specific event, activity, program or series of programs that made a significant contribution to the ideals of the Georgetown University community.

Oustanding Student Organization

Winner: GSR Journal (Led by: Nesreen Shahrour, Danya Adams, Layan Shahrour)

This award is given to a student organization that has had a positive impact on the university community through offering an array of activities, shown leadership in the community, and offered its members an opportunity to expand their skills. The group should have expanded its programs from previous years.

Unsung Hero

Winners: Katie Hawkinson; Kunbi Kolawole

The award is given to a student that may or may not have held a leadership role, but whose commitment and outstanding contributions are not always at the forefront. This person demonstrates outstanding commitment to their organization, advisory board, and/or the Center for Student Engagement and the mission of fostering leadership education. This award is awarded periodically when merited.

Mike Jurist Award for Club Sports

Winner: Emily Bruner

The award is given annually to a student that exemplifies outstanding leadership, involvement and sportsmanship on a club sports team. This award is named in memory of Michael Evan “The Gavel” Jurist, SFS Class of 2007, for his four years of commitment and leadership to the Club Tennis team where he was one of the team’s first-ever members. Michael passed away unexpectedly in July 2007; this award memorializes his service and exemplary leadership.

Martha Swanson Outstanding Senior Leader Award

Winners: Eliza Laferty; Danya Adams; Kaitlyn Reynolds; Alyssa Kardos; Angel Reed; Bryce Badger; Patrick Walsh; Sari Cureton; Winston Ardoin; Tyler Heggans

This is awarded annually to outstanding seniors who best exemplify the values of Jesuit education as they spend their last year on the Hilltop. The student will have shown leadership on campus in particular. The student will be one the University can point to with pride as someone who shows that he or she is preparing for a life of service in the future. This award is named after Martha Swanson, Director of Student Programs from 1984-2007, who is known for her dedication to and work with seniors.