Student Organization Training

The Spring Leadership Training modules for student organization leaders to complete over the next few weeks in now open. Please carefully review the sections below to ensure your organization remains in good standing.

As a reminder, student organization presidents, vice presidents, and one other officer are required to complete the required trainings. A total of three (3) officers must complete the required trainings to maintain your organization’s access-to-benefits status.

Required Spring Student Organization Trainings – Spring 2025

1. Community in Diversity: Understanding and Preventing Discrimination and Harassment
Starting in Spring 2025, a new course “Community in Diversity: Understanding and Preventing Discrimination and Harassment will be available to student leaders to complement the Blueprint Training that presidents and treasurers are expected to complete each semester. The first module of this course focuses on understanding and addressing discrimination and harassment on the basis of religion, race, color, and national origin, including shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics such as Jewish, Muslim or Arab identities, or citizenship or residency in a country with a dominant religion or distinct religious identity. 

We know that, unfortunately, discrimination and harassment based on religion, race, color, and national origin still occur, and that national and international events can sometimes increase tensions around these issues. Rooted in Georgetown’s Jesuit values of people for others, community in diversity, and cura personalis, this course emphasizes the importance of creating and maintaining a community where every individual is valued and supported. By the end of the training, students will be prepared to model a culture of respect and inclusivity within their student organizations and throughout Georgetown. Participants will gain the knowledge and tools to understand and address discrimination and harassment, aligning their leadership with Georgetown’s commitment to creating a community where every individual feels valued and supported.

The President, Vice President, and a third designated officer of each student organization will need to complete the training. The deadline for course and quiz completion is Friday, February 14, 2025.

This course in now available in Canvas (for those that pre-registered). If you did not receive the Canvas course invitation and require access for your group, please email

2. Recognizing and Preventing Hazing
The Recognizing and Preventing Hazing Training course module is designed to increase your awareness, knowledge, and understanding of instances of hazing, as well as Georgetown University’s Anti-Hazing Policy website.  

The Recognizing and Preventing Hazing Online Course can be accessed via UE Training Portal and the Recognizing and Preventing Hazing Quiz can be accessed via CampusGroups via this link. The deadline for quiz submissions is Friday, February 7, 2025.

3. Blueprint Training for Officer Changes
If your group recently changed officers, we are going to reopen Blueprint training for groups to remain compliant and continue to have access to benefits.  This is only required for CSE based organizations in the Spring 2025 semester.

If you will require access to the course, please email to request access. The deadline for access and quiz submissions is Friday, February 7, 2025.

Optional Trainings:

  1. Overdose Prevention and Naloxone (Narcan) Education
    This course provides an overview of how to utilize nasal naloxone (brand name NARCAN) to reverse a known overdose in emergency situations. \Learners will gain an understanding of how nasal naloxone reverses an overdose and will review information pertaining to the epidemiology of opioid overdoses in the District of Columbia.

    This optional course is available via this link and there is no deadline for completing this training.  At the completion of the DC Dept. of Behavioral Health online training, you will receive a certificate. If you are a DC resident you can request a Naloxone/Narcan kit by mail or pick one up at any of the pharmacies on the list provided on this website.

Resources Available for Student Organization Leaders

Student Ombuds
The Office of the Student Ombuds (OSO) at Georgetown University is here to provide a confidential, independent, impartial, and informal resource for all Main Campus undergraduate and graduate students, including those in the School of Continuing Studies, Biomedical Graduate Education, Medical Center, and the GU-Qatar campus.

Title IX Ambassadors
The Office of Title IX Compliance is responsible for ensuring a safe, respectful, and inclusive educational and work environment for students and employees, free from discrimination and harassment based on sex.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your org advisor.



The Center for Student Engagement (CSE), in conjunction with the Center for Social Justice, Teaching and Research (CSJ), Campus Ministry, and the Student Centers conducts The Blueprint Student Organization Training at the beginning of each semester. The training and the manual include leadership transition information, forms and documents utilized to access organizational funding, and much more. Click here to view the CSE Blueprint Manual.

Blueprint Training for Student Organization Leaders will OPEN for Fall 2024 soon! Please check CampusGroups for more information.

All Presidents and Treasurers of CSE student organizations must attend this training. If your organization has more than one person serving as President or Treasurer, both persons will need to attend to fulfill the requirement. We also encourage those who will coordinate travel and make purchases attend. If you are no longer serving in these roles, email with updated information, and pass this email onto your newly elected individuals. 

A few things to note before you register:

  1. You will see dates, times and locations when you go to choose a ticket.
    Dates: TBD
  1. You must attend the entire session from start to finish to satisfy the Blueprint Training requirement, so choose one that you are able to  attend in its entirety. If you have class schedule conflicts for every Blueprint session, or any other concerns, please email in a timely manner, that allows us the opportunity to help you. 
  1. In order to become a DBC Authorized User (able to use a University Declining Balance card or Advisor’s Procard) you will need to attend this training.. You may have up to five (5) Authorized Users per organization. We suggest sending the maximum to a training session, in case you have members who step down from their roles during the semester.  Blueprint training is required to check-out DBCs and cards won’t be available until after completing this training and the required Financial quiz.
  1. If you serve as the President and/or Treasurer for multiple clubs across different advisory boards (ABCS, CMSF, CSJ-ABSO, Media Board, PAAC, SAC), please consult your advisor for each organization. You will be responsible for attending the respective training sessions for each affiliated advisory board of which you are a part if they have those.  
  1. To register for Blueprint go to:
    Please arrive 10 minutes early to check into the session. Sessions will begin on time and you will not be able to enter the room after. If you decide to change your session, please cancel any tickets you no longer need to leave a seat open!

The resources below are provided to student leaders to assist in the operations and programming of student organizations. To suggest a resource that should be added to this site, the manual, or training please contact us at, with the subject line “Blueprint Concern”.