F.R.E.A.C.S. Point Categories

CampusGroups Registration

5 points each semester
Each semester, your club must register via CampusGroups. Fall Deadline will be in May. Clubs who do not register become inactive for the semester. Spring Deadline is December.
BluePrint Student Organization Leadership Training: Fall & Spring

5 points annual max
The President and the Treasurer for every registered Club Sports organization must complete an in-person training annually in order to remain registered and retain Access-To-Benefits eligibility. This training is valid for two (2) consecutive academic semesters if taken in the Fall semester (Unless otherwise communicated by the CSE). Please note that if Blueprint Training was completed in the Spring semester, you will have to retake this training once more.  The available dates and registration will be posted at the beginning of the semester. This includes expectations, privileges, advising, resources, common policies/processes, and financial training. Note: An organization can have up to five (5) members trained. Clubs will receive 2 points if TWO officers completed BluePrint (Session & Quizzes); 1 point for every additional officer who completed BluePrint; -2 points if 0 officers completed BluePrint.
Participation Waivers

5 points annual max
Clubs must submit team waivers via CampusGroups by September 30th to receive full credit.Waivers: must have 12 participants minimum.If not completed by the dates listed, the club is still responsible for submitting participation waivers, but will not receive point credit. Each individual who wants to participate in your club in any form (tryouts, practice, travel, etc.) must fill out the waiver on CampusGroups (login to CampusGroups, go to Advisory Board for Club Sports, click on “Surveys & Forms”, then “Club Sports Participation Waiver”) before taking part in any activity (if under the age of 18, parents must sign a paper form {on CSE’s Club Sports website}, which needs to be turned in to the CSE 316 office).
Membership Bonus                               
10 points annual max
The annual criteria for what ABCS will consider as a club member can be found here. Points will be given to clubs with the following membership that follow this criteria:

10-19 participants = 2 points
20-29 participants = 4 points
30-39 participants = 6 points
40-49 participants = 8 points
50 or more participants = 10 points.

Membership will be determined by comparing waivers and roster numbers at the end of the year. Must be submitted by March 31st.
Leaders Seminar Attendance

2 points per workshop
The President, Captain(s), and Treasurer of each team must attend the Club Sports Leaders Seminar at the beginning of each semester. These meetings are essential in order to relay new information pertinent to the teams, as well as for opportunities to engage with the ABCS representatives in a discussion about the policies and procedures set in place for the Club Sports community. Club Officers must sign in and remain until the end of the seminar in order to receive credit for attendance. Clubs will receive 1 point for every officer who attends.
Safety Captain Meeting                      
2 points/attendee 

4 points annual max
Prior to practicing, at least 1 of the 2 CPR/AED/First Aid certified members must attend a Safety Captain’s meetings. By September 16th, both members need to have been to one meeting or made it up. Clubs will also not be allowed to practice/travel after this date without 2 certified members who have also attended the meeting. 
CPR/AED/First Aid:                   

2 points per CPR/AED/FA certification

4 points annual max
In case an emergency occurs during a club event, each club must have two CPR/AED/First Aid certified members who regularly attend practices and games, these members will be considered Safety Captains and must attend the Safety Captains meeting described below before the team can practice. Captains who complete this class and turn in a copy of their certifications by September 12th on the Google Form or email to Aaron to receive 2 allocation points per member. Clubs will also not be allowed to practice/travel after this date without 2 certified members.  Clubs who have 4 members or less are allowed to continue practice with 1 safety captain.
2 points per travel form

10 points max per semester
Some clubs are more expensive by nature. In order to account for those teams that are more competitive and often obtain a large amount of travel expenses, clubs may receive points for completing their travel paperwork. Clubs can receive allocation points for submitting their Travel Request Form prior to the travel date. Forms must be filled out completely, accurately, and on time (Monday by noon on the week of the trip departure) in order to receive credit. All travel must be approved by ABCS and the CSE office.
Home Events:                              
2 points per game

4 points per tournament

10 points annual max
In order for the Club Sports office to schedule venues for club games, clubs are required to send in their Facility Requests via CampusGroups. Clubs must complete their forms 7 days in advance (more notice is preferred) or they will not count for points. 1 scrimmage per semester allowed to be counted for points. A tournament is when you host 2 or more different teams and they play each other. 
Volunteer Hours

2.5 points per every 2 hours of service    

10 points annual max
Involvement in community service opportunities can provide an excellent learning experience for a club and its members. Service helps create a positive image for your club as well as the Club Sports program. Proof of service hours is required by submitting a picture on the Google Form, and a list of who attended. At least half of club membership must be present. Hours will be done as a team (can be split up into 2-3 groups if needed). Additional points can be obtained for additional service events with the same ratios.

Weekly Reports

1 point per every report

10 points max per semester
Clubs must document any recap from practices, results from competitions, and inform the Club Sports office of any events, activities, and injuries/incidents. It also collects photos or videos the club has taken in the past week. These reports should be filled out and submitted on Mondays by midnight, and should include information from the previous Monday-Sunday.
ABCS Events        

2.5 points per event

10 points annual max
The Advisory Board for Club Sports may come up with 3-4 events for the year to encourage interaction between clubs and have competitions. Some of these will take place at practices/games, while some will be already scheduled events on campus. Make sure to sign in with your team at these events. To receive credit, you must have the recommended number of people given as each event comes up. 
Attend Other Clubs’ Fundraisers and Events          

2 points per event

10 points annual max
We want to encourage you and your club to attend other clubs’ home games and fundraisers. You will earn 2 points per game or fundraiser that your team attends. To get credit, you must have 1/4 of your club in attendance, take a picture, and upload it on the Google Form with a description.
Social media

3 points
Earn points by creating/running a team instagram page with at least three posts per semester.

Points Summary

ItemPossible point Value
CampusGroups Registration5 points each semester
BluePrint Student Organization Leadership Training: Fall & Spring5 points annual max
Participation Waivers5 points annual max
Membership Bonus                                                                                              10 points annual max
Leaders Seminar Attendance2 points per workshop
Safety Captain Meeting2 points/attendee 

4 points annual max
CPR/AED/First Aid:  2 points per CPR/AED/FA certification

4 points annual max
Travel2 points per travel form

10 points max per semester
Home Events:                                                    2 points per game

4 points per tournament

10 points annual max
Volunteer Hours2.5 points per every 2 hours of service

10 points annual max
Weekly Reports1 point per every report             

10 points max per semester
ABCS Events 2.5 points per event

10 points annual max
Attend Other Clubs’ Fundraisers and Events2 points per event

10 points annual max
Social media 3 points

Points values and additional opportunities to gain points are subject to change based on ABCS discretion

** = With a 5/7 vote, the Advisory Board for Club Sports can make additional meetings, activities, events, etc. mandatory and add additional points.