Club Table Tennis

Club Table Tennis
About Us
Georgetown University Club Table Tennis provides members with a fun space to play table tennis in a competitive, but friendly environment. The team has a National Collegiate Table Tennis Association (NCTTA) divisional tournament each semester, along with some friendly matches scattered throughout. If members qualify, there is the opportunity to compete in both regionals and nationals.
How to Join
We do not hold tryouts for club membership. If anyone is interested in joining, please contact us to be added to our mailing list. Then show up consistently to practices.
Time Commitment
Practices are typically held two days per week for two hours each in Yates Field House.
Dues are $30 per semester per person, which covers entry fees, transportation, lodging, and social events.
Awards, Recognition, and Championships
We achieved a winning record (3-1) at the Spring Intercollegiate Ping Pong Tournament. As a result, we qualified for our regional tournament in Atlanta, GA.
Contact Us
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