Club Sports Forms
Team and Individual Players
ABCS Manual Email Confirmation
After reading the ABCS Manual, all club executive members, which includes the President/Chair and Treasurer must email their Advisor that the manual has been read. This email would pledge that the club executive members thoroughly understand the content of the manual and will be responsible for expectations stated for both themselves and their team. The club’s entire leadership board needs to be copied on the email.
Due Date: Before the first approved practice
Club Sports Contacts Update
This update form must be completed yearly in the spring semester. This form communicates who each club’s new Executive Members are for the next year.
Due Date: Third Friday of April each year
Participation Waiver/Travel Agreement
This participation waiver and travel agreement must be read, filled out, and signed by every student before participating in any club activity (TRYOUTS INCLUDED).
Due Date: Before participating in any club activity
Concussion Policy Agreement
This concussion policy agreement must be read, filled out, and signed by every student before participating in any club activity (TRYOUTS INCLUDED).
Due Date: Before participating in any club activity
Weekly Report Form
The Weekly Report form is used to document recap from practices, results from competitions, and inform the Club Sports office of any events, activities, and injuries/incidents. It also collects photos or videos the club has taken in the past week. Clubs may be recognized if the Weekly Reports are submitted on Monday by midnight, and should include information from the previous Monday-Sunday.
Due Date: Monday by midnight (information from the previous Monday-Sunday)
Competitions and Facility Space
Game/Facility Request
This form is for one individual game/tournament request. Your game/tournament will be scheduled for only one of the dates you provide below. If you would like to schedule more than one game/tournament, please submit a request for each event. By submitting the following form, you are acknowledging that as resources are limited, not all teams’ requests can be honored. Please fill out the form in its entirety. Once your form submission is confirmed and approved on CampusGroups, you will be sent additional information and questions specific to your event. Until you hear directly from your advisor, your event has not been approved. Any specific questions regarding your event after the submission and approval of this form can be directed to your ABCS representative or advisor.
Due Date: 3 weeks before the event
Travel Request/Roster
Travel Forms must be submitted no later than Monday two weeks before your departure. Forms submitted after this deadline will not be approved, and your organization will not be allowed to travel. The travel roster should be submitted (or updated) online at least 24 hours before travel takes place.
Due Date: By 11:59 PM on the Monday two weeks before the trip departure (Roster: 24 hours before travel)
Practice Request
The practice request is used to communicate club requests for practice space with the Club Sports Program Coordinator. Based on the club’s current status, they will be awarded their schedule.
Due Date (Fall 2024): August 1, 2024
Vehicle Request
The Vehicle Request link is used when a Club Sport wants to request a University vehicle(s) for travel. This form must be submitted at least 48 hours in advance but should be done as soon as possible since vehicles fill quickly. With prior approval, mileage and gas will be billed directly to the club’s financial account. Club Sports will receive an email confirmation once their request is filled. Please contact the Center for Social Justice Research, Teaching & Service with questions about University vehicles.
Due Date: At least 48 hours before travel
Expenditure and Reimbursement
ABCS Finance Form
The ABCS Finance Form must be submitted completely on CampusGroups and with appropriate organization work tags when a club is interested in various purchasing methods with their ABCS allocated funding. This form is used to pay tournament/league fees, equipment, and reimbursement (ABCS will not reimburse club members for food and flights). Items to be included are the following: proper invoices, quotes/estimates, receipts, and documentation. Reimbursements without prior travel approval will not be allowed. Please contact the Club Sports Program Coordinator with questions about Club Sports Finances.
Budget Tracking Template
Although the CampusGroups’ Accounting Book function is updated and is a great benefit, Club Treasurers will be required to keep and report information regularly and reconcile their records with posted transactions on the Accounting Book. “Make a copy” of this Budget Tracking Template and save it under Google Sheets for your club to utilize. Do Not Download An Excel File. Please contact the Club Sports Program Coordinator with questions about formatting issues.
Payment Status Template
Although the CampusGroups’ Accounting Book function is updated and is a great benefit, Club Treasurers may utilize this template to help stay up-to-date with payment status for club transactions. “Make a copy” of this Payment Status Template and save it under Google Sheets for your club to utilize. Do Not Download An Excel File. Please contact the Club Sports Program Coordinator with questions about formatting issues.
Ad-Hoc Funding Request
If your club needs Ad-Hoc funding, please fill out this form. After submitting this application with all the necessary documentation, ABCS will review your application and approve or deny your request. Please answer all questions thoroughly and completely. If there is a deadline to complete this proposed transaction, please submit this form at least 10 business days in advance of that deadline.
Due Date: At least 10 business days in advance of that deadline
Dues Assistance Program
If you are interested in applying for Dues Assistance funding, please fill out this form. Every effort will be made to remove financial barriers for those who wish to participate in Club Sports. ABCS is committed to ensuring that all students interested in our Club Sports program have the opportunity to participate. Dues Assistance only covers one semester at a time. Students may, and are encouraged to apply again in the Spring to cover spring dues.
Due Dates: October 4, 2024 (Fall) & February 14, 2025 (Spring)