Club Fencing

Club Fencing
About Us
The Georgetown University Fencing Club exists to promote the sport of fencing. We actively seek new and experienced fencers from all three weapons (foil, sabre, and epee) to learn more about this sport, train, and participate in competitions, like the Baltimore-Washington Collegiate Fencing Conference (BWCFC) & the United States Association of Collegiate Fencing Clubs (USACFC).
How to Join
Anyone is welcome to join, regardless of experience level.
Time Commitment
Practices are three times per week for two hours each. We ask that beginners attend as many practices as possible, though other arrangements can be made if necessary.
Dues are $50 per semester per person, which covers tournament fees, transportation, lodging, and equipment.
Awards, Recognition, and Championships
- BWCFC Team Overall: 4th Place
- BWCFC Epee Team Overall: 1st Place
- BWCFC Foil Team Overall: 3rd Place
- BWCFC Sabre Team Overall: 3rd Place
- BWCFC Men’s Epee Individual: 2nd & 3rd Place
- BWCFC Men’s Foil Individual: 3rd Place
- BWCFC Women’s Sabre Individual 2nd Place
- BWCFC Men’s Sabre Individual: 3rd Place
- USACFC Nationals Men’s Sabre Individual: 12th Place
- USACFC Nationals Men’s Foil Individual: 12th Place
- USACFC Nationals Women’s Epee Individual: 10th Place
Contact Us
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