Advisory Boards
There are seven advisory boards that work with and advise the Vice President of Student Affairs concerning student organizations and their impact on student life. Many are composed of both faculty and students, creating an opportunity for faculty-student interaction outside of the classroom.
The Council of Advisory Boards (CAB) is a group of advisory board student leaders that oversee the overall administration and effectiveness of advisory boards and student activities on campus. CAB works to advocate on behalf of all student organizations with access to benefits, in order to best represent their common needs and encourage collaboration.
Advisory Board for Club Sports
The Advisory Board for Club Sports (ABCS) is composed of six undergraduate representatives who are appointed by the outgoing student members of ABCS and approved by the GUSA Assembly; two faculty/staff representatives who are appointed by the Vice President of Student Affairs (1) and the Faculty Senate (1); and up to two staff appointments (ex-officio). ABCS oversees the overall administration and effectiveness of club sports programs. ABCS funds, advises and develops policy for the governance of all club sports under its jurisdiction. A list of Club Sports organizations can be found on CampusGroups. For more information about ABCS, contact them at
Campus Ministry Student Forum
The Campus Ministry Student Forum (CMSF) is an assembly responsible for supporting and advocating for undergraduate Campus Ministry student organizations at Georgetown. The Forum works with an elected Executive Committee to allocate Student Activities Fee funding, advocate for the needs of Campus Ministry student organizations, and bring student-led groups together to improve collaboration and cooperation. The Forum also creates and maintains the policies and procedures that govern Campus Ministry student groups, oversees the equitable distribution of resources, and serves as a collective resource to student group leaders. The Forum serves as an advisory board to the managing director of Campus Ministry.
Center for Social Justice Advisory Board for Student Organizations
The Center for Social Justice (CSJ) Advisory Board for Student Organizations (ABSO) advises the groups that work in the Washington, D.C., national, and global communities doing social justice and service work. The Center for Social Justice oversees the board and provides professional staff advising for member organizations. Contact CSJ ABSO at for more information, or explore CSJ ABSO organizations on CampusGroups.
Media Board
The Media Board advises a variety of student media groups, including student newspapers, a radio station, a cable television station, literary publications, and the undergraduate yearbook. Explore CampusGroups to learn more about the student media organizations.
Performing Arts Advisory Council
The Performing Arts Advisory Council (PAAC) governs all co-curricular performing arts groups. All groups governed by PAAC fall under the Department of Performing Arts (DPA), which oversees the board. PAAC is a funding and programming board that supports DPA performing ensembles in Music, Theater and Dance which are directly affiliated with student activities. Member organizations of PAAC can be found on CampusGroups.
Contact for more information about PAAC and their organizations.
Student Activities Commission
The Student Activities Commission (SAC) is composed of student commissioners who are selected by the outgoing members of SAC. The role of SAC is to help student organizations function more effectively and make the most of university resources. SAC is the advisory board for the majority of student clubs on campus. Each club is assigned a commissioner—a member of SAC who is responsible for aiding and advising his or her groups on how to best achieve the group’s goals. SAC commissioners are trained to guide student groups through processes such as budgets, expenditures, event planning, etc.
For more information, email To connect with SAC organizations, explore CampusGroups .